TOP Pop|2020 PANTONE Spring and Summer London Fashion Week popular color coming!

Hey! You have a trend of inspiration! ! !
The color of the 2020 Spring/Summer collection is Reveal in advance by PANTONE, and shared by the most popular guy.


"Spring and summer 2020 is full of colorful colors, as we have seen, each color, they are strong enough to be independent, and boldly gathered together to collide with more provocative color claims,"The executive director at Pantone Color Institute said, “Strong and energetic, this season’s popular color palette demonstrates our firm desire for positiveness.”


PANTONE's newly released 2020 spring and summer fashion colors, including the spring and summer London Fashion Week integration index and seasonal classic neutral color, publicize and calmly overlap the story of the artistic scene, surging 2020 spring and summer Vibrant vitality, narrating its firm and hopeful optimism.


The 2020 spring and summer colors filled with energy, express a strong life tension and a strong desire for personalized self-expression.

Fiery Red
The dynamic flaming red with its own eye-catching magic is not to be underestimated, exuding a few explosive passions and energies.
Flame orange
Intimately related to the gorgeous sunset, the bright flame orange is actively diverging.

Traditional blue
The long-established and traditional blues illustrate the inheritance of history, deep and reliable, and keep continued. 

Blush Beauty
The pure pink blush, shy reveals the secret of the heart, filled with bright hugs and warmth.

Tanager Turquoise
The blue-green tanager, coming up the fresh feeling , and refreshing.

Classic blue
A vast and endless existence, the classic blue awakens the vast night sky. Decrypted an infinitely possible world for us.

Beetroot purple
The surprising purple tone won a lot of surprises, and successfully catched the eyes and captured your hearts.

Storm green
Storm Green is enthusiastic and fascinating with its rich depth.

Yellow Iris
The eye-catching yellow Iris, pleasured the vision, and expressed the positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

Rose brown, 
warm and sensible, rich rose brown full of body and mind, please the soul.

The delicate petal color, like a cluster of flowers, and the romance overflows the whole world.

Bossa Nova
The optimistic Bossa Nova, embedded in a simple brown bottom, changes the charming red irregularly.

2020 spring and summer classic color collection
As seasonal classic color, it can be a complete design individual or a basic element of a personalized color combination.
Cuban sand
Cuban sand, the warmth of birth, nourishes the comfort of the soul.

The blueberry tune, lingering in mysterious atmosphere, is a thought-provoking midnight blue.

oyster mushroom
The oyster mushroom ash has a deep stability and gives people a peaceful mind and a comfortable experience.

Blanc de Blanc
The Blanc de Blanc is with smooth texture, flowing with subtle taste and clear artistic conception.